Friday, May 25, 2012

To: My beautiful wife

Proverbs 31:29  Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. 

Often with my blogging I don't get to take out time to say much about my beautiful wife, but today I want to take out time to say a few good things about my wife that I love dearly. My wife, she is a diamond for sure. I know every man believes they have the greatest wife, well I know I do. We are quickly approaching one year of marriage, and it has been superb. I'm not one much for words, but honor is due to whom it is due.  Yes I am going to brag on her for a minute, nothing wrong with that. She is beautiful, smart, funny, and God fearing. She works very hard. As hard and as much as I will let her. Every time I am mowing a yard or doing any other job, I can't leave the lawnmower or tools setting for any length of time without her taking them and helping. Often doing a better job than I do. And the list goes on for the many duties she does at home, all without complaint. All while carrying our son, just a few more months! And even more important than working hard, she listens. Even when listening to me makes her be misunderstood, she never refuses to be a good obedient wife. Even when we make major decisions and discuss things together, she always respects my final word. Any decision we make in our household I give answer for. She follows my lead as she is suppose to. She always supports my ministry, and she understands that is what our entire lives will always revolve around. That is and always will be the most important thing to us. And you simply can't ask for a more blessed life than that. Even when feeling so much pressure and life, things hard to be understood, she may bend but never breaks. Always willing to sacrifice and give up what she may "want" for what we know we need. She believes in me. Behind the scenes, where life is really lived,  she does so much while never asking for any credit. She loves the word of God, we have quote downs together. Her Bible looks like a coloring book, from all the marks and notes and highlighted sections. Most of which she marked while searching the Bible for the truth. It fell apart finally, so I gave her a new Bible. She is a living example of "search the scriptures for...these are they that testify of me."And searching the scriptures since a little girl, did just what it should do, led her to Jesus name baptism and the infilling of the Holy Ghost, and even facing great opposition from family and others she clung to truth. So much more could be said, but one thing is certain, if you love truth enough you"ll fight for it.  She follows the teaching of the Bible and the church without murmur and complaint. She prays, never can you go wrong praying. That's one thing we love to do together is praying and studying the Bible, families that pray together stay together.  We have had a lot of obstacles moved in our lives by trying just what Jesus said, "prayer and fasting." God has blessed her with an awesome voice and great musical ability, she can make any instrument with strings sing. We love to make a "joyful" noise unto the Lord all the time. And she loves being faithful to God, and faithful to church. Her calmness, helps me stay calm. So reserved and quiet, in every situation. I could write pages, but I'll stop short. She truly is a great help meet, and that ain't brag,that's fact. I just wanted to take a minute tonight to let my wife know how much I appreciate and love her.  Hopefully you read this Sister Caudle, if you do, don't get angry at me for bragging on you, I just wanted you to know how much of a difference you make. Love you. 

Proverbs 31:30  Favour (charm) is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. 
Proverbs 31:31  Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. 

-Bro. C
Acts 2:38, read and obey it!  

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